Every spring we take the time to create a tailor-made newsletter for RTS Wind AG. This 8-page publication is designed with attention to detail by our marketing team and written by various team members.
What topics do you find in the issue?
We have once again put together a colorful mix of topics for you. We report on the upgrade of our employees, advertise employee bonuses (up to €2,000) and list the conditions of participation for you. We report that there will be an inflation bonus for all RTS employees again in 2024.
Then Kristin Schmidt from Marketing reports on the company fitness program and we welcome Nils Kühn back to the RTS Wind AG team. Trainee Hanna Rademacher answered a few popular questions about wind energy and we visited the SWAT Academy and found out what happens during classic training for our employees.
There will also be another trade fair appearance in September, only this time RTS Wind AG will not be exhibiting alone, but the stand will be organized by the RTS Wind Group. There will also be more information about this soon.
Our earthquake donation was well received by school classes in Turkey and on the back pages Madlen Häusgen, our receptionist from the Bremen headquarters, has prepared another puzzle for us.
We love to create this newsletter for you
Our goal is to give every member of the RTS team, no matter where they are – be it in one of Europe’s wind farms or even worldwide – a direct insight into our work. Since we are an international team and many of our meetings take place digitally or by telephone, personal contact is often rare. Our headquarters in Bremen, Germany, is the hub, but not everyone has the opportunity to be there regularly.
That’s why it’s so important to us to create a printed newsletter twice a year and send it to every team member by post. This newsletter is intended not only to provide information about current projects and developments in our company, but also to convey a feeling of connection and community.
Each newsletter is a small excerpt from our everyday work, which over the years creates an overall picture of what drives and motivates us to advance the energy transition. We encourage everyone to contribute their own contributions and to actively participate in designing our newsletter.
The time and energy we invest in creating and sending each newsletter demonstrates our commitment to open and transparent communication within the company. By ensuring that the newsletters can also be read at home by our team members and their families, we want to have a broad impact and spread our message about the importance of the energy transition.
We are pleased to make the current edition of the newsletter, issue 17, available for download and hope that it provides you with interesting insights.

In the spring newsletter 2023 we will once again present a variety of exciting projects from RTS Wind AG, both large and small.